"I was denied a job at a retail store because I was Indian. Apparently, they were only hiring Chinese people even though the job didn't require me to speak Chinese."
"When I was in primary school, I got bullied so badly for being Indian that I had to transfer schools. It's scarred me a little bit."
I am so angry, tonight while loading groceries into my car at Walmart with my 3 youngest children and husband, this car came flying around the corner almost running over my son, she then whipped into the parking space almost taking off two of my doors. All I said was "hey slow down". This woman gets out of her car and starts heading towards Walmart, the whole time yelling obsenities at us, well my husband had enough! He told her that she needs to slow down and watch where she is driving, she turns around and starts screaming at us, I have never heard a more filthy mouth. I walked around the back of my car and before I even had a chance to say a word she starts spewing filthy, hate filled obscenities at me, All because I told her to slow down??? I told her to just go in the store and to watch her language, and then she had the nerve to pull the race issue. She said I only yelled at her to slow down because she was African-American, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I had NO idea who or what was in the car when I said something, I was upset because my son had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit! It wouldn't have mattered what color a person is, anyone who drives through a parking lot like it's a NASCAR race track, I WILL say something to them.
Not once did I make any racial comments to her (nor would I ever) but I guess it was ok for her to call me and my family "honkie white crackers"
What if she had run my son over because of her reckless driving? Why did this need to become a race issue?
I don't know what I'm angrier about, her hate filled ,obscene mouth or the way she was driving, either way this is 2011, I do not carry hatred towards anyone, regardless of their race, religion or creed and I'm definitely not going to go through life with a chip on my shoulder. Racism in all forms needs to END!!! And let's not detract from the REAL issue, she was angry because someone actually had the nerve to tell her to slow down! She should have just simply apologized and left it at that.
A message I got from one of the sites that I have my picture on.
It states, and I quote, "ALL CHINKS GO TO HELL"